Hey Guys,
Today Im Showing You How You Create Your OWN .BIK File
LOOK->You Need:- Editing Program (Sony Vegas,After Effects...)
- AniMake (Download:
CLICK - Rad Video Tools (Download:
CLICK ME TuTorial:First, it creates multiple images with your image editing program. Later, an image is only a 1 / 6 sec last long ... She then takes off and pushes Animake now your pictures in the correct order in the progam. Now, using the program converts your pictures into one. gif file (an animated picture)! Now you can close it and start Animake Rad Video Tools ... Now your converts. gif file into a. bik file to (with Bink it ).... Finally, you go to your COD4 BACKUP and seek out as the cod_intro.bik file .. Last but not least you realize you designate the EXACT name of this file and your just created thereafter by bik file (that cod_intro.bik) ... Move now your own file in the COD4 BACKUP and confirmed.:
Replace file and you have successfully modded the ISO from COD4 .... If you start now the COD4 BACKUP is played instead of the normal intro your own animation ...
Have Fun!